Wednesday 7 March 2012

An Introduction

I've decided that I do still need to introduce myself, at least some what. While I do not wish to spend alot of time on this, it does remain necessary for you to learn who I am on some level.

This is hard for me to write, much harder than by all rights it should be. Before, this used to bother me. How can I possibly not know who I am? Now I have realized that there is actually reason and logic behind this (which comforts me greatly). I've experienced a great deal of change in my life in recent years. As a direct result of this I've grown. I'm not the same person I once was, and this is an amazing, beautiful thing. And because of all this change and growth, I'm not entirely sure who I am. It is really a story that is still being written.

Although labels have always bothered me because I do not feel as though most things fit neatly behind them, I'm going to break my own rules and label myself.

I'm a young woman, currently furthering my education. I'm a daughter, a sister, a friend, a girlfriend, a birthmother. I love deeply, I can be very serious and very silly, and I love change but hate it all at the same time. I'm certain about some things while being entirely unsure about others. I'm impatient, stubborn, and creative. I'm redefining what happiness is and can be for me. I just am who I am, no apologies.

And more than anything else, I'm excited to figure out all the rest.

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